Everyone tells you about what you can study, but just a few people advice you about what will happen after that. If you just finished an Erasmus Programme or if you are in doubt about start it or not. Here, we wrote to you a few 5 opportunities after an Erasmus programme.
These days, one of the most important requirements for employers is an international experience. More than 30% of employers consider it a basic requirement. In fact, there is a study showing that 85% of students completing an Erasmus programme improve their employment possibilities.
When you go to an Erasmus, you will socialize, meet lots of new people and see new places but it’s also important to focus on learning another language and experience working in a foreign company. For many Erasmus students, a traineeship first every time they experience what it’s really like to work within a company. For some, it can be a daunting experience but stick with it!
As a student, you will develop specific skills such as teamwork, meeting deadlines, learning to integrate successfully into a new company etc. Remember everyone has to begin somewhere when starting their career thus the Erasmus programme is a great place to start! Change begins with you so once you are motivated and willing to learn, you are on the right track for a successful career after Erasmus.
As an Erasmus student, you have a great opportunity from managing your personal budget to making sure you make it to your host company on time every day to learning how to become a valuable member of a professional team. See a problem as an opportunity to learn and to grow and to add value to your team plus these are great transferable skills to take with you throughout your career.
New professional and personal experiences abroad can be slightly scary but remember it’s all part of the process so don’t give and keep going. Any potential challenges you will face will help you grow and gain confidence in yourself. Go outside your comfort zone, you will be amazed by what you will achieve personally and professionally.
Take on responsibilities with maturity and do your best. Future Employers are looking for these kinds of people!
The Erasmus programme can become your international list of contacts. It’s a good network for the future, you never know where you can find your opportunity. Having contacts all over the world is a good way to expand the number of professional opportunities after an Erasmus programme.
The number of students participating in the Erasmus Programmes is increasing every year and it’s becoming more important for International employers. Keep in mind the big impact that it can make in your life, in the long term but remember you have to make an effort to learn the tasks, local language, become part of the team… etc. It will be the best decision that you’ve ever made!
Don’t forget to enjoy your journey and have fun too! 🙂
Before finishing an Erasmus programme
When you travel, how can you live with other people?